Considered Harmful
17 Jan 2022

I redesigned this website today. Feel free to look around.

I know nothing about web design: I made this website to learn. To experts this site probably looks like a mess and it's still very incomplete. But I'm improving and learning.

I crashed vim—oops. I'm writing at night as I usually do and the brightness on this laptop screen was too bright. This machine runs artix linux and I didn't know how to change the backlight. I tried use xbacklight(1) but it spat out "No outputs have the backlight property". I tried to follow the tutorial on the archlinux wiki, but it clobbered by xserver configuration (which is really fragile at best) and I had to revert. I took to turning on all the lights in my bedroom.

I went back to the archlinux wiki and took the simple approach: modify the #+shellsrc{brightness} file, which in my case happens to be in the directory #+shellsrc{/sys/class/backlight/intelbacklight}, which is a symlink to #+shellsrc{/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card0/card0-eDP-1/intelbacklight}. You write a number to that file; the backlight's brightness changes. Right now it's at 25 out of 852, a merciful 2 percent. If you write zero, the backlight turns off and the screen appears black. It returns to full brightness if you restart the machine. I found this out the hard way: I forced shutdown. But vim saved the two sentences I had written (now the first paragraph) and all is well.

Today I copied all the blog posts over to a single long HTML file. I did this by hand, but it wasn't too bad: I spent more time figuring out how to set up this file than actually copying. Now it should be easier to maintain the site, but still non-trivial. At least I'm getting practice in with HTML. I still need to get better with CSS: look at the ugly asides! I'll figure it out though.

But I conquered the brightness. That leaves one more nemesis: the bluetooth. According to the spec, this machine should have an integrated wifi/bluetooth networking chip, but I can't talk to the bluetooth. The wifi works fine, but so far I haven't even determined whether this computer even has bluetooth hardware. Something to learn.

Tags: technology
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Considered Harmful by Preston Firestone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.