Considered Harmful
29 Sep 2021

When in London...

I dropped Xerxes off at the airport today. I took the tube from my friend's house where I am staying out to Heathrow, about a two hour journey in total. Xerxes was a very good sport about it: I think that he's almost used to going out and about in the carrier, or at least, isn't so afraid of it. He complained a little when I put him in the carrier at home (his little arms could reach out of the carrier through the grate and wave around, which is why I couldn't use this very carrier to ship him); once we were on the move, though, he calmed down.

I came back from the airport on the Picadilly line and got off at Picadilly circus. I suppose that I must have known that London has a Chinese neighborhood, but I was very surprised to find that I had stumbled into it! I circled around the West End, generally heading towards the British Museum. Due to my excellent sense of direction, I ended up in Trafalgar square: I was heading in the completely wrong direction! I did snap a picture of the designated busking zones in the square. The white circles are for unamplified musicians, and the yellow one in the back is for a musician with an amplifier.

Circles for buskers to stand in.

Consulting the map, I headed towards the museum again. Soho was a delightful neighborhood. Used and antique book stores, camera repair shops and museums, and so many cafés. In the meantime, I stopped to mail Xerxes' stuffed animals to the US; they're going on the slow boat: it will take a month or so for them to arrive. I also heard from the shipping company that Xerxes was checked in successfully, and that all was good to go for his flight. Hang in there little kitty—your journey's almost over. Mine, on the other hand, is just beginning. Jarndyce antique books. James Smith and Sons umbrellas.

Tags: travel
Creative Commons License
Considered Harmful by Preston Firestone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.